Female Active Citizenship Training Integration Migrant Accompaniment project
Europe remains a focal point for the world’s largest movement of people since World
War II, and many countries have struggled to cope with the challenges of increased
migration. Although migrant women share many integration challenges with men,
their risk of exclusion is often more pronounced, facing gendered discrimination in
addition to racial and class discrimination. In addition, they are often less visible in
data collection, and so may be mis- and under-represented in policy. A gendered
approach to integration is necessary, but lacking. Around 49% of migrants now in the
EU from developing countries are women and, contrary to common perceptions, an
increasing number are travelling independently of men, in search of work and as
heads of families.
Employment provides vital income and opportunities for migrant women to support
themselves and their families. However, these women are most likely of any group in
the labour market to be unemployed. Moreover, migrant women are overrepresented
in the care and domestic sectors which allow for little to no career progression and
social mobility, exacerbating existing economic and social exclusion risks.
The FATIMA project builds upon existing measures to economically integrate migrant
women, whilst also recognising their role not only as economic actors, but also as
social actors who are critical in supporting the integration of their children, families
and wider communities.
The general objective of FATIMA Project is the effective integration of migrant women
into the EU so that they are able to actively contribute to society and support their
children and families to also be active members of their new community.
FATIMA will run activities that aim at promoting active participation in society overall
and also activities that will support the post arrival integration of persons in need of
international protection or resettled from a third country. Under both priorities, the
European dimension of the objectives will be carried out by this project through
knowledge sharing across the 4 participant countries and capacity building across the
