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Red: GLOW project

Writer's picture: SursumSursum

Red:GLOW supports  KA3 European Youth Together building on the New Narrative for Europe. It aims to strengthen a network of 7 like minded NGOs across the EU (North, South, East and West) to promote active citizenship among young women, through training in skills and attitudes Red:GLOW as a link to citizenship. RG will engage 950 young women across 6 EU countries and develop and disseminate knowledge and influence about the impact of good work on young women and their effects on their civic engagement.  

This will be achieved through these activities:

• Leadership Training

• Volunteer support as a non formal activity to acquire skills and attidudes

Red:GLOW and citizenship

• 2 Youth Exchanges with 200 Young people

• 2 Youth Workers training meetings with 56 young women

• Training to build capacity of 7 project partners

• Capturing the learnings from the project to influence policy in the intersectionality of gender, work and citizenship in the EU

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“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication refelects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".

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